Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Chester, New York
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2 Chester Sitter Jobs Found
Keith W
Chester, New York
Active over a week ago
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Father of three needs Assistance
Father of three, 8,5 almost 6, and a 4 year old. Looking for someone that can work part time. Need two days a week. 4-7 and also work wee...
Father of three, 8,5 almost 6, and a 4 year old. Looking for someone that can work part time. Need two days a week. 4-7 and also work weekend night here and there. Also, need someone willing to care for them when they are sick. I have work and not always able to take off. My kids are playful, loving and needing someone that is understanding. I need a reliable person that...
Iryna S
Chester, New York
Active over a week ago
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Furnished room in exchange for 12-15 hours of childcare/week
I am looking for a student/young adult/single woman who is interested in renting a newly renovated furnished room in my 4 br/2.5 bath house...
I am looking for a student/young adult/single woman who is interested in renting a newly renovated furnished room in my 4 br/2.5 bath house in Monroe in exchange for babysitting/driving 2 school aged kids to/from activities from 5--8 pm Mon-Fri. This would start in September. Person would need to be squeaky clean in terms of record//references and will need to have their own ca...
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