Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Concord, Virginia
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2 Concord Sitter Jobs Found
Tiara G
Concord, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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Transportation to and from school
What We're Looking For:
Hi there my name is Tiara. I'm looking for a transporter available in Concord, Virginia. I plan to find a dedicated...
What We're Looking For:
Hi there my name is Tiara. I'm looking for a transporter available in Concord, Virginia. I plan to find a dedicated person who has the ability to pick up and drop off one child from school.
Amanda M
Concord, Virginia
Active over a week ago
Baby Sitting at a Concert (1.5 week job)...
I'm looking for a great babysitter for 1 child. Someone who can tolerate noise, because the property where you'll be babysitting will have a...
I'm looking for a great babysitter for 1 child. Someone who can tolerate noise, because the property where you'll be babysitting will have a 3 day rock concert going on. We have an on-site private suite for the baby to stay in while on the property, and the remainder of our stay we'll be at Appomattox Inn. Someone who is flexible with potentially having inter-changeable jobs. W...
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