Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
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3 Grosse Pointe Woods Sitter Jobs Found
Laverne R
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
Active over a week ago
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan Sitter Job
Job Posting:
Nice to meet you! My name is Laverne . I'm hoping to find a babysitting service provider living in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michiga...
Job Posting:
Nice to meet you! My name is Laverne . I'm hoping to find a babysitting service provider living in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. I'm aiming to connect with a wonderful, exceptional employee with biweekly availability.
Services And Training:
My family requires date night supervising, overnight care, and travel support. Ideally, you am comfortable working with sick...
Kelly M
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
Active over a week ago
Grosse Pointe Woods family looking for sitter for one 10 yr old sweet girl
I hope you are having a good day. I'm seeking a babysitter available in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. My goal is to connect with a...
I hope you are having a good day. I'm seeking a babysitter available in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. My goal is to connect with a well Trained employee with occasional availability.
Services And Training:
Our home needs transport to and from extracurriculars, afterschool care, and travel support. It is preferable if you have personal transportation available. Our be...
Janel P
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
Active over a week ago
Grosse Pointe Woods Nanny Opportunity
Hello my name is Janel. I am seeking a Nanny to care for my 2 1/2 Daughter 3-4 days a week with open availability. Applicant must be flexib...
Hello my name is Janel. I am seeking a Nanny to care for my 2 1/2 Daughter 3-4 days a week with open availability. Applicant must be flexible, reliable and come with experience. We also have a small Pomeranian Dog that will need to be taken out a few times a day during your shift. Please let me know if you are interested.
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