Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Millsap, Texas
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2 Millsap Sitter Jobs Found
Ashlee W
Millsap, Texas
Active over a week ago
Needed: a Hardworking In Home sitter or Daycare Provider in Millsap, Texas
What We're Looking For:
I am hiring a sitter available in Millsap, Texas for a 6 month old. I'm planning to find a well Trained, great perso...
What We're Looking For:
I am hiring a sitter available in Millsap, Texas for a 6 month old. I'm planning to find a well Trained, great person who has the flexibility with my hours. We are moving from WI in the near future so looking in advance.
Services And Training:
Our home requires help with play date supervision, meal preparation, and swimming supervision. It is preferabl...
Shelbie H
Millsap, Texas
Active over a week ago
Booking a Qualified In Home Daycare Provider in Millsap
Hi there my name is Shelbie . My family is looking for passionate child care in Millsap. I look forward to speaking with you!
Hi there my name is Shelbie . My family is looking for passionate child care in Millsap. I look forward to speaking with you!
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