Find Nannies & Babysitters in Greenfield, Missouri
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2 Greenfield Sitters Found
Kylee K
Greenfield, Missouri
Active over a week ago
From 9.00/hour
Experienced babysitting 3 & up
Hello my name is Kylee. I am searching for a child carer work opportunity in Greenfield, Missouri. My aim is to apply my experienc...
Hello my name is Kylee. I am searching for a child carer work opportunity in Greenfield, Missouri. My aim is to apply my experience as a child carer. I am available as required.
Description of Skills:
I can take care of date night supervising, overnight care, and swimming supervision. I have personal transportation available. I have experience as a caregiver.
Debra H
Greenfield, Missouri
Active over a week ago
From 8.00/hour
Seeking an Opportunity to Help Parents With Care
Hello my name is Debra. I am interviewing for a sitter work opportunity in Greenfield, Missouri. I'm planning to contribute my...
Hello my name is Debra. I am interviewing for a sitter work opportunity in Greenfield, Missouri. I'm planning to contribute my abilities as a sitter. I can alter my schedule to meet your needs.
Services And Training:
I will take care of date night supervising, afterschool care, and pet care. I are comfortable working with twins. I have experience as a caregiver....
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