How to Prepare An Emergency Contact List for your Babysitter
You’re out for the evening with your spouse. You get a call. It is your babysitter, who explains that your child is in the emergency room. The babysitter is frantic and extremely nervous. After you get her to calm down, she explains the medical condition which provoked her to call 911. You relax and explain that this is a known medical issue and your child has a history with this particular problem.
Your sitter is upset. Someone has to pay for the emergency visit to the hospital. All of this could have been avoided if you had prepared an emergency list for your babysitter so that they would have known about your child’s medical history.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the benefit of creating an emergency list and items that you should include for your babysitter.
Emergency Contact Sheet For Babysitters Should Include
Parents Information (for each parent)
- Names
- Cell
- Work
- Daytime Address
Household Information
- Address
- Phone Number
Child’s Information (for each child)
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Weight
- Medical Conditions
- Allergies
- Other Notes ( special needs, fears, loves)
Emergency Numbers
- Local Police
- Fire Department
- Local Emergency Room (Name, Phone, Address)
- Poison Control
- Doctor (Name, Number)
- Dentist (Name, Number)
- Family Health Insurance (Company Name, Policy#)
Trusted Family, Friends, and Neighbors
- Name
- Relationship
- Cell Phone
- Home Phone
More Details and Additional Information
Emergency Phone Numbers
Before leaving, your babysitter should have a list of emergency contacts. This includes neighbors, friends or family members who can be counted on in the event that important decisions need to be made if you can’t be contacted. If you’re providing emergency contact information for your babysitter, it would make sense to notify each emergency contact, so they’re not caught off guard with an unexpected call.
There is no doubt that you’ll provide your own contact information. If you’re staying in another country, there is a strong possibility that your mobile phone number will not work. Email isn’t enough. Consider providing an emergency phone contact in the location where you’re staying. Perhaps a hotel or business contact.
In addition, emergency contacts should include numbers for the family physician, the closest emergency room, the local police precinct, fire department and poison control.
Your Child’s Health
Hopefully, you hired a sitter who is mindful of your child’s health. You should provide information pertaining to your child’s special needs. Are they allergic to anything? Do they have particular medical needs? If so, your sitter needs to know how to care for your child if there are any health problems.
Household Care
Your babysitter may have the additional responsibility of taking care of your home. Any special heating or electrical concerns? If so, provide a detailed guide on caring for boilers or thermostats. Are there any plants or pets to take care of ? Their well-being may contribute to an unexpected emergency.
Emergency Expenses
Does your babysitter have emergency information for any additional expenses? There may be an event where your sitter is required to make a purchase for your child or in relation to the care of your home. This should be discussed before hand and an agreement should be made (in writing) pertaining to any fees associated with babysitting.
Be Prepared for Emergencies!
Ensuring your sitter is better prepared for emergencies will give you piece of mind. At the most fundamental level, having good a good list of emergency contacts and hiring the right sitter will alleviate many problems. Not providing an emergency list can contribute towards bigger problems.
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