Tips on finding a babysitter for Valentine's day
Growing up, Valentine’s day can be filled with a sense of wonder and excitement. As each year passes you get a selection of Valentines from your classmates decked out with cartoon characters, a nice box of chocolates from your first crush—or maybe a gift or two from your family.
But as an adult—and a parent on top of that—you may have all but given up on celebrating Valentine’s Day with your partner because of all the expectations and planning that can come with it. Not only do you have to find a restaurant, hotel, or activity within your price range, but what do you do with the kid(s)?
All of this may push some parents to say “Forget it. Let’s just stay in,” but does having kids mean you no longer take time alone with your partner? We don’t think so.
Although these days Valentine’s Day is often just viewed as an excuse for businesses to deck out their products with hearts and cupids and jack up their prices, the day itself actually has historical significance that may help remind you why it’s important to celebrate, and why planning ahead by using babysitting services might just be the best way to honour your relationship and take care of your kids.
Origin Story
Just like your relationship, Valentine’s Day has an origin story, though there is some contention over how it actually came to be. There have been several martyred saints who have gone by the name “Valentine” that likely sparked the origins of this particular mid-february holiday.
One story says that Valentine was a priest in the third century who performed secret wedding ceremonies when then-Emperor Claudius II put into law that young men were not allowed to marry because single men made better soldiers - how romantic!
Though the true origins are not quite known, it is believed that Valentine’s Day was created to honour the love and respect a couple shares for one another, and in the busy world we live in, we could all use a reminder to step-back, smell the roses and show your partner how appreciative you are that the two of you get to walk your journey together.
Plan Ahead
Whether you’re convinced that there should be a specific day designated to showing your partner a little extra love, or if you are a believer that you don’t need a day coined in the calendar to remind you, one of the biggest hurdles you will face is planning ahead to ensure things go smoothly on that special date night you plan.
Venues and events will be booking fast, but not as quickly as a good babysitter can get scooped up! But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Sitter.com has nearly 500,000 sitters available across the US and Canada, which makes it a prime place to find the perfect babysitter in a pinch, or for that long awaited night out. Many of the sitters specifically make themselves available for holidays, evenings, and weekends because they know that parents want to have a special night out—even after kids!
Sitter.com is an online community designed to connect parents with a network of babysitters and caretakers. By signing up on site and reaching out to those in your area, you can can find the perfect fit for this Valentine’s Day based on the skills and qualifications you’re looking for. For more information you can browse the site or sign up now to get one step closer to that elusive night out you’ve been dreaming of.
Though to some people, Valentine’s Day is a corporate holiday or something to be skipped, history shows us that its origin stories are much more romantic. If celebrated for the right reasons, Valentine’s Day can be a beautiful night out with the one you love. And if you start looking now, finding a babysitter can be a breeze so you can enjoy your night out knowing your kids are safe with the babysitter you hand-picked for the occasion.