Parenting News: The Importance of Valuing Early Childhood Educators & 6 More Top Stories from the Past Week
September 9, 2016: here’s the past weeks top parenting news brought to you by Sitter.com, including how we should treat early childhood educators with more respect and six more top stories from the first week of Septemeber.
We Should Treat Early Childhood Educators as Valued Employees — Time.com points out some significant reasons why childcare is so important and cited several studies that show the benefits of good childcare, to support a stable society. The article further took a look at the holistic problem of childcare in America.
Back To School: How To Get The Kids Back In The Groove — Summer is over! Sitter.com takes a look at some sound points that will help mothers and childcare providers get kids ready for school again.
Understanding And Preventing Marital Burnout: Client Self-Care Strategies Offering Cure And Prevention — The Huffington Post defines modern day martial burnout and some withdrawal signs within a relationship.The article indicates that many couples suffer from overload and provides examples of those who were able to work through their issues.
Five Of The Most Powerful Habits I’ve Adopted To Balance Family Life And Work — A mother who works from home discussed her trials and how she was successfully able to balance her career while taking care of her two daughters. She provides five tips that any mother or parent should consider. — Huff Post Parents UK
5 Things You Need To Know About Menopause and Fertility — Women are increasingly giving birth after the age of 35. Netdoctor points out that while many women are delaying motherhood, they should be mindful of menopause. The article features a fertility expert who provides insight on the subject.
Why We Need To Stop Telling Women The Must Have It All — The Huff Post Lifestyle Blog takes a look at many of the advancements women have made, while still suffering from patriarchy and sexism. The article highlights a key point, avoiding the phrase “having it all,” contributing to a lack of feeling as if they’re incomplete or need to have a family for true fulfillment.
Nanny Jealousy: How Mothers and Nannies Can Prevent It — Jealousy is a sensitive issue within the childcare profession. CanadianNanny.ca takes a look at the situation and provides advice from a childcare expert. The article also points out that is often natural and provides ways for parents and nannies to work through it!
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