How much does a sitter cost in Wilson?
When was the last time you had a night off, or a weekend away? As a parent, your number one priority is always your kids, but you deserve a break.
Are you in need of a part-time babysitter to take the kids to and from school every day? Or a one-time sitter for date night? Learn about babysitting costs near you.
Sitter rates do depend on the number of children and the qualifications of the sitter. To help, we have created a guide to how much you can expect to pay sitters in your area.
So how much does a sitter cost? From our research, on average they charge $10.00 an hour in Wilson.
Sitter rates in Wilson
Lowest cost | Average cost | Highest cost | |
Hour | $9.00 | $10.00 | $13.00 |
* Rate information as of September 12, 2024
Destiney B
Hello my name is Destiney. I am looking for a child care worker work opportunity in Wilson. I’ve never worked in a day care or anything like that but I do keep my nieces, cousins and nephews a lot so I do have enough experience.
Services And Training:
I will take care of transport to and from extracurriculars, meal preparation, and children's crafting. I do have my own transportation
Contacting Me:
Send a message and I'll reply within 10 days.
Mckenzie H
Hey my name is Mckenzie. I am searching for a babyminder position in Wilson, North Carolina. I strive to be a well Trained employee. I can be available as needed.
Services And Training:
I am happy to help with date night supervising, afterschool care, and children's crafting. I have personal transportation available. With respect to my experience, I have over a year of experience.
Booking An Appointment:
Send a message and I should reply shortly.
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