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3 Cridersville Sitters Found
Tonya R
Cridersville, Ohio
Active over a week ago
From 14.00/hour
Looking For Cridersville Babysitting Service Provider Opportunity
I hope you are having a good day. I am searching for an in home daycare provider job opportunity in Cridersville, Ohio. I will...
I hope you are having a good day. I am searching for an in home daycare provider job opportunity in Cridersville, Ohio. I will be a capable, excellent person. My availability is flexible.
Services And Training:
I have experience with transport to and from extracurriculars, homework help, and travel support. I also are willing to travel. I have experience as a car...
Tricia M
Cridersville, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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15 years exp.
Child Care Openings In Cridersville Country Home
I have openings for 1st shift child care in my home Monday-Friday I live in the country just outside of Cridersville I will provide meals an...
I have openings for 1st shift child care in my home Monday-Friday I live in the country just outside of Cridersville I will provide meals and snacks message me for more information thanks. I am able to provide part time and full time child care for reasonable rates. I am able to take children ages newborn- school aged. I have a Cridersville bus that stops at my house I could ge...
Tammy T
Cridersville, Ohio
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Child Care Openings
Im available all shifts, any age. meals and snacks provided. call/txt for more information 419-771-...
Im available all shifts, any age. meals and snacks provided. call/txt for more information 419-771-...
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